Imaris 交流
Frequently Asked Questions
PLEASE NOTE: On MS Windows 7 no AMD graphic boards from 2016 or later are supported!
Untested graphics boards often cause instability and lead to decreased Imaris performance. It is recommended to install and use the latest drivers specified on website(s) of the graphic board's vendor(s).
Multi-GPU solutions for graphics boards (SLI and Crossfire) are NOT recommended for use with Imaris due to performance decrease and system instabilities.
Imaris does not need support for GPGPU (CUDA, OpenCL, OpenACC, Stream...).
In general the AMD Radeon gaming/consumer boards provide the best value (low price, high performance), and then we find AMD FirePro are slightly less expensive, and slightly faster than the Nvidia Quadro boards. Finally, if there are no other options, the Nvidia Geforce Boards work, but have slower graphics. The professional boards are recommended only when stereo displays will be attached. If you go for a high end graphic board (no matter gaming or professional) please be sure your machine has a strong enough power supply and it fits physically into the case.
Newer boards are shown on top of each list.
R7, R9 and RX Series not supported on Windows 7!
Use old (year 2015) drivers on Windows 7!
If a graphics board is not listed here it does not mean that it works but it means Bitplane does not know.
Imaris has extended support for multi core/processor machines since 6.2.0. Most image processing functions are multithreaded. Tests are done with up to 8 cores where Imaris still scales nicely. ImarisBatch scales even better because each job runs in its own 'Imaris'.
Status at 18-August-2017